Reserve Unofficial Update

Mr Mallo
4 min readFeb 9, 2024


Liquidity, young man

Happy Friday all, and an impending deadline to meet — quickly, to the bat cave.

  • Memory lane
  • TVL
  • Liquidity provision
  • AOB

Memory Lane

2021 I must have taken a break as I skip from last week to next, so who knows? Probably something about the Head of Mexico being advertised. Wen Mexico?

2022 We were counting users

Numba went up

2023 Sinatra (remember him? ;-)) Posted an article on programmable money.

And we had the eternal Reserve Protocol Lodge thread :

Which I’ve just revisited!


Numba go up!

We’ve had a real surge in ETH+ where the total TVL is nearly $8M!

Hope they are all enjoying the LP.

Nearly at 8% of circulating RSR staked and yields are starting to ramp up again as we get more into crypto and less into bond yield.

Look at that on Base — 7.8% for hyUSD — nice going for just holding a stable. USDC+ also offering some nice staking rewards.

What do we think these will be come the end of the year? I suspect quite high.

It’s worth noting all the protocols you can now yield from holding RTokens — for farmers out there this is great revenue in a bear on stables. I might have a go myself — if I do I’ll take screenshots and do a guide.

Yield overall from eUSD staking hits 7% — and no token emmisions. So for the numbers people out there this is EBITA (I’m not doing depreciation on staking!).


Nevin is attending a serious attempt at ‘tradfi’ to look at tokenisation — it’s a slow process but I genuinely think it’s coming.

For those interested

We have top quality rangatoni memes

That rangatoni behind the barn is MASSIVE

We have a new updated zealy quests look — these will really help you learn about the protocol and you get…. points. And what do points make… ?

Brucie — sadly no longer with us

Curvance — heard of them? No — me neither, but you can help out on testnet there

Another DeFi PaRtNeRsHiP?

Flamingo Mafia has been on the case — poker night — by all accounts tiring!

Also number 6 in pioneers of progress, this week Patrick McKelvy

Last but not least eUSD issuer mobilecoin / Sentz has teamed up with Jambo phone

Prevalent in Africa, this aims to promote cheap cross border payments on a budget smartphone for $99 you get JamboApp and JamboWallet included, which I guess is a bit like the AliPay / WeChat play.

And there you have it — thanks for reading as ever.

