More TVL, Yield up, Governance and MORE
Hello and happy Friday everyone.
Deadlines loom so let’s go….
- Memory lane
- Ionic
Memory lane
Matt Gertler kicks us off in 2021 with the KYC automation
Then 2022 brought us a rare Nevin — at Urbit assembly
Last years fledgeling TVL was growing
Another ATH hit this week!
As of today, we’re $250M
Let’s have a quick look round DefiLlama
Some decent mints — USD3 notably
And yield numbers are going up up up
Yes that IS 28.3% on STABLECOINS — Do Kwon please take note.
This is what happens when you see a tweet and think — let’s have a look…
So I googled the address and found it was a pool on Ionics documentation
And it’s a lend / borrow market on Base! They have hyUSD as well. So there you go — DeFi at work, completely open.
Now the sharp eyed of you will have seen the recent flows from the slower wallet
Something something emissions number 98.xx% BTC curve — puts hand to chin and ponders.
Ah — yes it’s the new BTC stylee emissions for RSR — nice. Next week 187.8M
Any more eUSD in fintech wallets?
Nope. However — this appears to be the direction of travel — Reserve’s own Twitter shows us
Exchange and fintech partnerships lead? Hmm….
The next step — in partnership with DTF (DeFi traded funds) will be fintech partnerships with RTokens. Gold? Yes.
If you missed it.
There’s some new developments on GitHub
Compound v3 — nice, and chainlink as well — good stuff.
Spot of governance — you can see a great summary here
So we’ve had a swap out of the eUSD basket — out goes low yield, in comes YIELD
sDAI whooosh! This is the beauty of RTokens — you can fish where the fish are. Treasuries at 8%? Bring them in — treasuries bomb to 1.5% — ship them out.
Governance stand up also on Twitter
Kraken are Reserving their Rigts (sic)
Perps — because you never knew you wanted them.
Nice article on Reserve
Morpho markets!
and we’ll end with the equivalent of the water skiing squirrel
And there you have it!