Reserve Unofficial Update

Mr Mallo
6 min readSep 13, 2024


We’re back! Ugly Cash, RToken Partnerships, TVL and more!

We are back — it’s Friday and the Crunchie count is off the charts. Where has he been I hear you cry — well a mixture of work, going to Norway to sleep in a hut up a mountainside with no electricity in the pouring rain and going up another mountainside in Cumbria in the glorious sunshine. But enough of such frivolities, where’s the new news?

  • Memory lane
  • TVL
  • Partnerships
  • AOB

Memory lane

3 years ago, Taylor was telling us how Terra wasn’t a very good idea

So that’s probably best. SBF had a similar idea with exchange funds — similar outcome. There will be some fresh faced RToken holders who never knew about Terra and have no idea the safe hands they’re in.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is reflexivity

2 years ago we were auditing


And 1 year ago it was let slip Reserve would be deploying on Base, which has gone brilliantly — and Base is growing (and just announced BTC on Base — wen plugin!)

2024 — impressive
Lop sided graphic — ED!


Let’s see what’s been going on in TVL Land — ups and downs

We hit new highs briefly but the total RToken mcap is impressive. This weeks winner is ETH+ with a whopping $7M mint

Yes, whoever that is has $54M ETH+ and is earning $1.45M a year in yield. Money begets money — and we can safely assume that it’ll be being used in some yield farming venture as well.

Other earning opportunities

And stable yields

These have dropped from the heady highs of 30+% a few months back, but this is still safe yield which is MORE than TERRA — bonkers.

Staked RSR nears 10% of circulating RSR

Rankings? You want rankings, Roger? Then you shall have them

In the index rankings, still out in front

In total protocol rankings 87 is pretty cool. Not far to go to overtake PulseX (cough).

USD3 has slipped a little and is at #34 — surely some of those Curve incentives are going to kick in soon?


The bumper partnership section — Reserve has been teaming up with many other protocols to get RTokens into earning potential, thus incentivising minting and yielding. This is not an exhaustive list either- I’ll have missed some and apologies for those..

Let’s have a whizz round some of the UIs to have a look

Seen it — can do better

While you’re receiving all your GAINZ, maybe you’d like to insure yourself against smart contract risk? Well worry no more — opencover has got you, er, covered.

I’ll leave it to you to decide if that’s a good deal.

Ugly Cash

Secret bonus section!

That’s right — Ugly Cash is using it’s eUSD rewards to entice people in to banking with them — pretty amazing APY there. Let’s take a look at the eUSD reward wallet balances

Btw Sentz is gaining traction in Nigeria

You never know — they might have hit on something


There’s a blog post about the recent foray into buying more Curve governance —

Tom Sawyer has been keeping up with weekly events at Reserve better than I have :

House of Chimera had a Twitter (stop laughing at the back) spaces

A good listen if you’re an hour to the good.

I can do that — gizza job. Fancy working for Reserve?

Governance — there’s always plenty going on here so if you own or are staking on RTokens you should really keep up on the voting as it affects you!

Link above direct to the page.


Absolute crackers from Fred and Rangatoni.

Lastly — Coinbase have come out with BTC on Base

This smells like an ABSOLUTE SHOE IN for an RToken — who will be first past the post?

Justin Sun critisizing — now that’s novel

The laser eyes aren’t going to like it, but the corn on Base is brilliant (imo). People might actually be able to pay for things with BTC — whatever next. Get an RToken and Holyheld and earn yield — yes please.

And with that — I’m off. Thanks as ever for reading if you’ve here!



Mr Mallo
Mr Mallo

Written by Mr Mallo

Adoption Manager — Reserve Lodge

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